Facial hair can be a reason that determines you to be ashamed of your look; in other words, it equals discomfort. If you have money, it is easy to get rid of it by following certain cosmetics-based treatment or visiting the esthetician. But what happens when you can’t afford to spend that much money on facial procedures? We have a good news! All these treatments and cosmetics have a natural variant which is actually healthier and safer. Here are 5 amazing recipes that will help you combat facial hair.
Potato/ lentil remedy
First of all, peel 1 potato, cut it in small cubes and strain it in order to extract its juice. In a bowl, combine 1 tbsp of honey with 4 tbsp of fresh lemon juice and the potato juice. Apply the composition on the affected areas and let it rest for about 20 minutes before removing it with care.
Egg and sugar remedy
Prepare a smooth composition by mixing 1 egg white with ½ tbsp. of corn flour and 1 tbsp of sugar. Apply the resulting paste on your skin and let it get dry before removing it. Be careful, though, to remove it gently so that you don’t harm the skin surface.
Chickpea flower remedy
Chickpea or gram flour is a very old ingredient used at a worldwide scale to get rid of babies’ facial hair and preserve the smoothness of their skin. Apart from removing the facial hair, it can be also used as a facial scrub, in order to get rid of dead cells and make your complexion brighter.
Combine some turmeric powder with chickpea flour and add some milk. Mix well until you obtain a smooth paste that you must cover the facial hair with. When it has dried, rub the remedy easily by pulling against the hair growth.
Turmeric remedy
Mix some turmeric powder with as much quantity of water as needed in order to obtain a thick paste. Cover the affected area with this paste and let it rest for 20 minutes. Remove the remedy by rinsing it off with tepid water.
Sugar and molasses remedy
Add in a bowl a small quantity of molasses and 1 cup of sugar. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat the ingredients for a couple of minutes until the sugar has dissolved. At this point, add the juice squeezed from a lemon and let the composition cool down. Apply the remedy on the facial hair that you wish to remove, cover it with a cloth and pull it in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
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